Trash Pickup Information

Greetings Strawberry Point Bluffs and Strawberry Estates Homeowners!

Some neighbors have asked about competing rates for trash pickup. The Garbageman in Brighton offers special rates for our two subdivisions if 40 or more households sign up. If you wish to change to this service you would need to cancel your current service effective June 30, 2019 end of quarter, and sign up with the Garbageman in June to start pickup effective July 1, 2019. The phone for The Garbageman is 810-225-3001.

The rate we have been quoted for 40 households or more is as follows:

  • Quarterly Rate with cart rental $48.00
  • Quarterly Rate supplying your own cart $42.00
  • Recycling plastic large bags $10.00 per roll of 10 bags
  • Yard waste in Brown paper leaf bags $2.00 per bag.
  • Pickup is on Thursdays after 12 noon.

Services quoted are pickup for one trash cart plus up to 4 kitchen bags per week. Yard waste pickup is every other week April through early December. Call for your pickup.

I have had this service for the past few months and have had no issues. I have had no problem with getting them to answer the phone and give me information. The senior rate is $45.00 per quarter for regular customers with their own cart, so the subdivision rate is a little cheaper than the senior rate. I hope this is helpful to you and you are able to call the Garbageman for any other questions. We are trying to keep the truck traffic in our subdivisions to a minimum however prices keep rising so an alternative trash pickup service is being offered for subdivision rates.

Beth Freiberg, Secretary Strawberry Point Bluffs HOA

4 thoughts on “Trash Pickup Information

  1. Any experience with Advanced Disposal Yardwaste prices? Seems like something is very wrong with my recent bill.
    Last year, I paid:
    4/16/18 $73.63 for trash and recycling
    5/15/18 $36.10 for trash and recycling
    7/17/18 $128.94 for trash, recycling, and yardwaste
    10/10/18 $132,94 for trash, recycling, and yardwaste

    1/11/19 $ 64.63 trash and recycling
    4/10/19 $ 84.35 trash and recycling
    6/30/19 $279.75 for trash, recycling, and yardwaste from 12/1/18 to 9/30/19
    They have only had to pick up two 18 gal cans and 4 brown bags since the end of Nov.

    Any insight would be appreciated.

    Sue Bradley

  2. Regarding cost savings to justify switching trash service, the savings are minimal if you use recycling. The blue Advanced Disposal recycling containers are 30 gallon for example. At $1 per bag x 3 bags per week, 12 per month, and 36 per qtr, that’s $36 for recycling per qtr. So $42+$36=$78. Advanced Disposal is $84 per qtr. That’s a savings of only $24 per year to switch to The Garbageman service. I think the bigger benefit is for reducing truck traffic, however, if you have at least 1 person left using services other than The Garbageman, then the trucks are still coming in the neighborhood and traffic is not reduced. There would need to be a more coordinate effort to survey people and get commitments for all to switch in order to meet the goal of actually reducing truck traffic.

  3. Postscript to my earlier post on Trash pickup: If you do not wish to use a cart the “cart rate” of $42.00 also applies to a standard Trash can plus additional 4 kitchen bags. You can also place recycling in a separate cart or can in the recycling bag at $1.00 per bag which covers the cost of the recycling. Everyone have a good day!

  4. Thank you so very much for looking in to this. It’s nice to know our Board is working hard for us.

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