Strawberry Point Bluffs HOA 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes


Meeting convened by President Craig Haitz at 7:37 pm at Hamburg Township Senior Center on Tuesday April 30th, 2019. All Hoa members present stood up and introduced themselves and were welcomed to the annual meeting. 32 households were in attendance with 32 present and 28 in good standing which constituted a quorom. Secretary Beth Freiberg read the 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes. Treasurer Frank Nelson read the treasurer’s report. Beth Freiberg moved to approve the Minutes and Treasurer Report, Mary Haitz seconded, motion carried. Beth Freiberg mentioned we need to use postage when placing items in US mailboxes since it is a Federal law to use postage or subject to a $5000.00 fine. Next year secretary will place a message center at her porch if people need to drop items off.

Craig Haitz gave an update on the Pennington lawsuits. First lawsuit filed by Pennington in 2016 ended in March 2018. Court found in the HOA favor. After the court ruling in our favor March 2018, Mr. Pennington obtained a new building permit. His proposed building was for a 12X30 foot garage that was 18 feet high and had a 14 foot high side walls, and a 10’ x 9’ garage door. He did not request approval from the homeowner association board. We asked him if he wished to submit plans for approval. He submitted the plans which were unanimously denied by the board since they do not fit the bylaws and are not harmonious with the subdivision building guidelines in October 2018. In November 2018 Mr. Pennington ignored the denial and started to put in foundation footings. The HOA filed an injunction to stop the building and asked for a summary disposition. In December we met with Mr. Pennington again. We discussed with Mr. Pennington that we would try to approve a shed up to 180 square feet placed within the setback guidelines to the rear of his property if he desired to build a shed. Mr. Pennington declined to consider a shed of up to 180 square feet at the rear of his property. The current lawsuit continues until a decision is reached. The board has been forced to act due to Mr. Pennington ignoring our denial on these building plans. The cost of the injunction request is not covered but our liability policy since the policy covers lawsuits against us but does not cover legal actions that the HOA has to file in order to uphold the bylaws. Questions and comments regarding the lawsuit were made. Gary Stripp motioned to end the discussion which was seconded. Motion carried.

Secretary Beth Freiberg reported that garbage fees for Advanced Disposal have gone up over past couple years. She checked with another garbage disposal provider The Garbageman from Brighton. If we get 40 or more household to sign up we would be able to get a quarterly fee of $48.00 including a cart rental and $42.00 per quarter if homeowner provides their own cart. The fee would cover a cart plus up to 4 additional kitchen bags of garbage per week on Thursdays with an after 12 pm pickup time. Recycling is provided by buying Recycling garbage bags at $1.00 per bag in 10 bag rolls. Yard waste is every other week April through early December at $2.00 per paper yard waste bag. Driver gives a ticket for how many bags are picked up and it is added to your bill. Beth Freiberg will get a signup list on our website for and check with the other sub to see if enough people are interested in changing to the Garbageman.

Craig Haitz reported that the board liability policy plus the park liability policy premiums have gone up in the past 30 years and are now $3,200.00 per year. They used to be $1,200.00 per year. The board is considering a proposed raise in dues from the current $50.00 per year. Boat slip donations have already been raised from $250.00 to $350.00 per year. Todd Dalrymple proposed a show of hands to see if there is support for raising the dues. The Members that we’re present show of hands was in favor of raising the dues. The board will send out ballots in the future to facilitate raising the dues.

Larry Gauthier who is a homeowner in Strawberry Hills Estates has contacted the Township about cracks in the roads that were put in 8 years ago. Agreement was for us to pay for the road, and the county to maintain it. Per Larry the County will be filling the cracks as per the agreement.

Question was asked by Ruth Ann Fett whether homeowners have paid their dues. Treasurer Frank Nelson reported that most have paid their dues. A few were recently brought up to date.

Motion to open voting for 1 Lakeside and 2 Off lake Directors on the HOA Board was carried. Ballots from members present along with absentee ballots submitted by members who were current on dues by March 31st were counted. Jim Dwyer Vice President reported that Lakeside Director slot was won by Craig Haitz. 2 off lake Director positions were won by Marge Andres and John Greko. Ballots were counted by two directors that were not up for re election along with 2 non director homeowner members.

During ballot counting member Nancy Greko reported on Joint Access Committee activities to promote the park and homeowner association social activities. Park clean up this year scheduled for Saturday May 4. Rain date is May 5. Porta potty surround is completed. A new swim raft has been purchased. Some of our members have volunteered to mow the park this summer in order to conserve funds in the budget to use toward sea wall repair. Both boards from the two subs are working on a proposal with a contractor to finish details of a proposed sea wall by the east park pontoon mooring area. after Labor Negotiations are continuing. Many Thanks to all the members of JAC and homeowners who have spent many hours and effort to work on the park and get bids for sea wall repair! We hope to have funds next year to repair the west end of the sea wall as well. Everyone is excited to get this long needed repair work done to preserve the park lakefront.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was proposed and carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted, Beth Freiberg, Secretary Strawberry Point Bluffs HOA